Lushington Brady - Taki's Magazine

Lushington Brady

Lushington Brady

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. Lushington Dalrymple Brady is the nom-de-plume of a slightly disreputable gentleman of letters from the Australian island-state of Tasmania. After working as a freelance music journalist, auto worker, railway worker, taxi driver, small business owner, volunteer firefighter and graphic designer, Lushington decided he finally had an interesting enough resume to be a writer. He writes daily for The BFD, New Zealand’s fastest-growing media organisation, and blogs occasionally at A Devil’s Curmudgeon.

Lockdown Under

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” George Santayana famously wrote. Apart from a few garbled anecdotes about Captain Cook and Ned Kelly, and something about Aborigines, Australians are, by and large, quite ignorant of their history. Is it any wonder that we’re ...


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